Training New Distributors

Training New Distributors

Training and support are a major component to building a large organization.

First, you need to get your new distributor off to a fast start. They need to meet your upline, be trained on using your website, taught where to buy tools, and plugged into the weekly training webinars. They also need to know how to find out when the next company sponsored event is, and get them to commit to signing up for it.  This is critical for them to get the bigger picture of this.

Of critical importance is helping them sponsor their first distributor immediately. It’s key for them to realize that they don’t have to know anything to make this business work, and that we only get paid for two things in network marketing: to retail our products, and recruit business partners. That’s it. Help them avoid the trap of getting ready to get ready. I recall a quote from my early days, that’s kind of a cliche’ but I think it’s true:

“Ignorance on fire is better than knowledge on ice!”

By getting them into immediate productive action of exposing new people to your business, you do them great service. In my business, if we can help them sponsor just three people, they retention rate is a phenomenal 96%. That’s unheard of but demonstrates the power of getting started fast.

Once they’ve started to have some success, help them find a way, “their” way of building this business long term. Not everyone likes to expose people to this business the same way, and their are dozens of excellent rejection free methods of accomplishing this… everyone needs to find two to three methods that they like to do, so that you can expose new people to your business EVERY day.

This is critical to long term success… never stop recruiting, or your business will slide backwards!

Finally, don’t push your income goals on your new distributors. Help them achieve their goals. If it’s only to make a few hundred dollars a month, respect that. If it’s to make the big money, respect that too, and be honest with them and let them know it will require significant effort to achieve this, but it can be done.

By all means have fun. If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong!